COMPOSITION: Proprietary

Product Description:

Eco-knife is proprietary processed formulation of natural salts like sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium bonded through Hydro Sensitive Bonds (HSB). HSB get broken immediately on coming in contact with water. Oxidizing agents such released act by oxidizing the cell membrane of microorganisms. Also on hydrolysis ions of chlorine release hypochlorous acid that breaches the cell wall of pathogens. This acid is very proficient at killing bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, and also knocks out several viruses.


    • Eco-knife kills effectively a large variety of microbial waterborne pathogens.
    • Eco-knife kills various Bacteria, Virus and Fungi.
    • Eco-knife kills Salmonella and E. coli effectively
    • Eco-knife starts noticeable action within 5 minutes.
    • Eco-knife treated water remains pathogen free for about 2-3 days.
    • Eco-knife mineralizes the water and does not alter pH.
    • Eco-knife can also be used for spray, washing of utensils and dressed meat.
    • Eco-knife is non-toxic for birds and animals.


Drinking water: 100 gm per 10000 Lt of water
Washing of equipment and utensils & spraying of sheds: 100 - 500gm per 1000 Lt of water
Directions for Tank use
  1. Close the water Inlet
  2. Add Eco-knife @ 10 gm per 1000 Ltr of water
  3. Wait for 10 minutes
  4. Open water outlet for pure drinking water



STORAGE: Store in a cool & dry place and protect from direct sunlight.


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